Android vs. iOS App Development: Which Platform is Right for You?

Be it Android App Development or iOS App Development, selecting which platform to develop your mobile application is an important part of your mobile app development journey.

In this article, we will take you through the different operating systems with an overview of each so you as an app builder, can make an informed decision.

We will also cover pros and cons of cross-platform app development if you decide to develop your app to operate across both platforms (iOS or Android).

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What is the Cost of App Maintenance (2025)

If you have already launched a mobile app or are about to, then maintaining that mobile application is very important. This is especially valid considering both Google and Apple are actively removing outdated apps from their stores.

With a Mobile Application Maintenance and Support Plan in place, it is possible to ensure that your App is always updated and performs at its optimum with fewer issues, bugs and downtime. 

When it comes to maintaining a mobile application, many app owners are often confused and unclear on the Cost of App Maintenance. In this post we will highlight some of the major factors to consider when calculating the Cost of App Maintenance in 2025. 

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10 Key Steps to Develop a High-Quality Mobile App (2025)

Key Steps in Developing High-Quality Mobile Apps

Setting out to develop a high-quality mobile app against the backdrop of a fast-paced digital world, requires careful planning and execution.

Since their inception, Mobile Apps have evolved over time to become an integral part of connecting businesses with their customers. With a projected market volume of US$ 673.80 billion by 2027 there has never been a better time to join the mobile app economy and prosper. 

In this blog post we explore the 10 Key Steps to Develop a High Quality Mobile App that delivers superior performance, exceeds user expectations and stands out in the marketplace.

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What is Mobile App Maintenance & Support? Why is it Important? (2025)


Launching your own mobile application is a task in itself, however to ensure your goals are met, it is critical to continuously  monitor, improve, and update your mobile App post launch. 

Regular and routine mobile app maintenance and support is far more cost-effective than allowing issues to escalate into larger, more complex challenges down the line. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the key aspects of Mobile App Maintenance and Support and why it is essential for the long-term success and viability of your app.

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3 Ways of Turning your App Idea into a $10,000/month Business

3 Ways of Turning your App Idea into a Profitable Business

Can you develop your own mobile App and generate $10,000/Month from it?

There are thousands of Australians doing exactly that. But going from having a mobile App idea to earning a substantial monthly income from a Mobile App business is laden with pitfalls.

After interviewing hundreds of successful Australian App business owners who are earning between $10,000/month to $20,000/month from their Apps, we have identified three main steps which can ensure that your App idea too can turn into a profitable income stream.

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How To Estimate ROI for Business and Enterprise Apps?

How To Estimate ROI for Business and Enterprise Apps?

A few blog posts ago, we wrote How To Estimate ROI for Mobile Apps. However, this blog post will be different since we are dealing with business Apps, which are Apps designed to sell a product or service, and enterprise Apps, which are Apps designed to offer collaboration and increase productivity in organisations. We will focus on ROI for Business and Enterprise Apps.

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Top 10 App Developers in Australia [2025]

Top 10 App Developers in Australia 2025

App development is a highly specialised process that can easily be botched up if not done by an experienced and skilled team. With hundreds of App Developers in the market, it is critical to trust your project with only the best.

We conducted thorough research in which we considered multiple key factors that make any great App developer great! So here it is, our list of the Top 10 App Developers in Australia 2025.

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50 Business Startup Tips For Entrepreneurs

50 Business Startup Tips For Entrepreneurs

Starting a business is a rewarding venture that takes time, effort, and planning. Not only do you need to have an idea of what kind of company you want to start, but you will also need assistance with finding funding for your startup and insight into how to build the best team. This post offers 50 business startup tips every entrepreneur must know when starting their own company from scratch. Our hope is that we can give readers confidence in their decisions and help them avoid mistakes that often come with starting something new. We look at 50 business startup tips for entrepreneurs that are sure to work well.

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5 Things to Do When Your App Developer Stops Responding

developer stops responding

It’s never easy when your Mobile App Developer Stops Responding however there is always hope. 

When it comes to Mobile App Development, it is always recommended to opt for an experienced and affordable App Development Company based in Australia as a Freelance App Developer or an offshore App developer will offer little support or help when and if things don’t go to plan.
In this article, we share 5 Things to Do When Your App Developer Stops Responding:

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What are App Development Best Practices in 2025?

What are App Development Best Practices in 2025?

App development has evolved significantly in recent years, and now the world is filled with the best apps and software. Apps like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat have brought people together across continents — through social media — as never before. It’s not just the younger generation that is embracing App development; businesses are now recognising its value as well. Businesses that can’t afford to develop their own Apps now rely on experts to create them.

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Pros & Cons – White Label Mobile App Development in Australia

white label apps in australia

White Label Mobile App Development in Australia allows brands to create custom made Mobile Apps that carry their own branding and informs users that the App was designed, created, produced and published by the brand itself. 

This provides brands with the credibility to build essential trust amongst their end-users thereby paving the way for extended engagement and monetization.

In this article, we talk about the Pros & Cons of White Label Mobile App Development in Australia.

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8 Creative Ideas for Loyalty Program App Development Australia

loyalty program app development

Loyalty Programs have been around for many decades however with the emergence of technology, Loyalty Program App Development in Australia has evolved to become a must-have for brands keen to connect with their customers.

It is a well-known fact that it is cheaper to retain existing customers rather than acquire new ones, so in this blog post, we share 8 Creative Ideas for Loyalty Program App Development Australia.

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Adult Entertainment Mobile Apps – Development Risks & Benefits

adult entertainment apps

The consumption of Adult Entertainment Apps has increased significantly driven by those looking for love or a bit of fun, underlined by the enhanced ability for adult content creators to now directly connect with paying audiences.

If you have ever thought about creating your very own Adult Entertainment Mobile App, in this blog post we talk about the Risks and Benefits of Adult Entertainment Mobile App Development in 2021:

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18 Secret Productivity Apps For Startup Founders [2025]

18 Secret Productivity Apps For Startup Founders in 2025

Productivity is the ability to produce something with quality, efficiency, and effectiveness. It’s the same concept as getting a lot done in less time or producing high-quality work. Choosing the right productivity Apps is important to help you in your entrepreneurial journey towards success. 

As a startup founder in a fast-paced environment, you need the aid of technology to help you with time management, project management, goal tracking, and also safeguarding your mental health. We’ve compiled a list of innovative Apps below that will help you stay on track, whether your goal is to write a blog, export an image, or work on marketing strategies.

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Does your Startup Qualify for an R&D Tax Incentive? [2025]

Does your Startup Qualify for an R&D Tax Incentive in 2025

The R&D Tax Incentive is an Australian Government-backed Incentive Scheme that aims to Drive and Encourage R&D Activities by providing a tax offset. 

The  R&D Tax Incentive or Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive, is jointly administered by  ‘AusIndustry’ on behalf of Industry, Innovation and Science Australia and the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

Continue reading “Does your Startup Qualify for an R&D Tax Incentive? [2025]”

The Uber App Cost (Uber Startup Cost)

The Uber App Cost is This Much in 2025 (Uber Startup Cost)

Considering how far App development has come in the last few years, the question arises: How much does the Uber App cost today compared to 2009? The short answer is that the development cost is far cheaper today. This is largely thanks to the fact that it has been done before. 

Uber, as we all know, is a platform that connects drivers and passengers. In order to do this, Uber has set up an App to connect these two parties. 

The Uber App cost is more than just the cost of the App. Read on further to discover what other hidden costs are there.

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Cheap App Developers! 8 Questions to Consider BEFORE Hiring One…

When it comes to Mobile App Development, cost is one of the key overriding factors. The cost of development can have a significant impact on the App Development Process and while working with Cheap App Developers can save you money in the short term, it can potentially cost you dearly in the long term, as opposed to an Affordable App Developer.

In this article, we tell you the 8 Questions to Consider before hiring Cheap App Developers!

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How to Patent an Idea in Australia and How Much Does it Cost

How to patent an idea in Australia

If the thinker in you has ever wondered How to Patent an idea in Australia and how much Does it Cost? remember that in today’s fast-paced, innovation-driven technology arena, just as it is important to come up with and develop new and innovative ideas (i.e. a successful mobile App idea), it is also crucial to protect those developed ideas or concepts by patenting them under your name or your business name.

In this article, we break down everything you need to know about protecting your idea. Amongst other things, we explore: how to patent an idea, how to patent an idea in Australia and also how much does it cost to patent an idea for a Mobile App.

It should be noted that Mobile App Ideas can only be eligible for patents if they are demonstrably innovative, new and you will also need a working prototype to qualify. 

Continue reading “How to Patent an Idea in Australia and How Much Does it Cost”

How to Build a Viral App?

How to Build a Viral App?

Google Play and Apple’s App Store are currently hosting hundreds of thousands of apps on their platforms. However, there are only a handful of apps that can gain the attention of users.

One of the ways of getting those thousands of downloads is by building an app that has the possibility of going viral.

But what exactly is a viral app? How will you know when your app has gone viral? And what features should you include in the app to increase its chances of going viral? Read on to find out. Continue reading “How to Build a Viral App?”