There is a school of thought which states that Apps can be costly to develop. Yes, it could be costly but the interesting fact is that the Return on Investment (ROI) could be quite high too. And once the initial investment is covered using one or more revenue streams within an App which I will be highlighting in this article, the additional income would be all net profits.
Nowadays it is a common practice by most App owners to make their App available on either App Store or on Google Play free of charge so that the user-base for the App could be enhanced rather quickly. It is interesting to note that more than 25% of IOS App owners earn more than $5,000 per month and with the Android user-base increasing daily, more than 16% Android App owners too enjoy an earning over $5,000 per month.
So, if most of the leading Apps are available free of cost for users to download, how do the owners make money?
Apart from making the App available at a cost on App Store or on Google Play, mentioned below are few methods where Apps could generate revenue.