Mobile App development coding languages can be a daunting subject. Learning a language is all about your intention. The world of programming languages is ever increasing, and choosing the right one is based on what you want to do. You have to choose which one you want to learn, and then just get started. It’s also easy to get overwhelmed if you don’t know what programming language is best for your startup idea. Creating Apps is one thing, and ensuring that it offers a good ROI is something else. The good news is that there are a lot of options out there that will work for any type of business or industry.

You’ve come to the right place if you are someone curious with a desire to know about programming languages or even a startup entrepreneur with a cursory understanding of coding, and are looking for the best programming language. The programming language you choose might influence how your startup will be built, and could make or break your entire business. Lucky for you, there are many great languages that can help you build an amazing product or service. Here are some of the top programming languages that are in use today, and why they work so well.

The Best Mobile App Development Coding Languages 

Mobile App development languages are becoming more popular for mobile App developers. This is because they believe that it will help them to develop smarter Apps. It has become the latest trend in the world of mobile App development. But before you decide on which language to use, you need to know what exactly you want your App to do. These are some of the most popular languages that are being used for this purpose.


Flutter is a mobile UI framework, developed by Google. It has been designed for developing high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android from a single codebase. With Flutter, you can write your App in Dart, a language that is based on the object oriented language of C++ and the scripting language of JavaScript. If you are familiar with React Native or Xamarin, then you will find it easy to learn Flutter because it uses the same basic concepts as these two frameworks. Flutter is a cross platform option for developing Apps, and may be a better choice for your project than native development with Swift or Kotlin. Elegant Media offers an extensive course on the use of Flutter, which we are competent and knowledgeable about. According to Statista’s 2021 developer survey, 42% of those surveyed used Flutter.


  • Hot Reload = fast coding
  • One codebase, 2 mobile platforms
  • Up to 50% less testing
  • Faster Apps
  • Designs your users will love


  • Size of the developer community, which is comparatively smaller
  • Libraries & support – impressive, but still not as rich as native development
  • Continuous Integration support
  • Platform risk
  • Size of Apps

React Native

React Native is a JavaScript framework that is used to create mobile Apps. It is a JavaScript-based open source framework created by Facebook and Instagram engineers in 2015. React Native allows you to use the same programming language for both the iOS and Android operating systems. You can also write your code in just one language, which saves time and money on development. Using React Native can give your App a head start over other Apps on the market because it uses the same code for both platforms. According to Statista’s 2021 developer survey, 38% of those surveyed used React Native.


  • Fast refresh = fast coding
  • One codebase, 2 mobile platforms
  • It uses JavaScript
  • Developer freedom of choice
  • An active – and vast – community


  • It isn’t really native
  • Fewer components out of box
  • Lots of abandoned packages
  • Fragile UI
  • Apps are bigger than native ones


JavaScript is the programming language that is most commonly used in mobile App development projects today. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that JavaScript is easy to use and easy to integrate with other App platforms. The ease with which developers can use JavaScript is an important factor, as it makes mobile App development a simple and cheap process. The rise of the mobile App industry has led to a huge surge in demand for JavaScript. There are a number of platforms that offer a powerful, mobile-optimised version of JavaScript. Popular frameworks include React Native, which we mentioned above, and NativeScript. According to Statista’s survey on the most widely utilised programming languages among developers, 64.96% of those surveyed used Java Script.


  • Simple
  • Object-oriented
  • Secure Language
  • Platform-independent
  • Economical 
  • Portable
  • Safe


  • Slow
  • Not attractive
  • No backup facility
  • Requires memory space
  • Complex codes


Python is a programming language that’s easy to read, write, and understand. It is an open source software. Python runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux/Unix, and has been ported to Java and .NET environments. Python provides quick development features, supports multiple programming paradigms for solving different problems, and has a huge library of software modules for doing anything from data analysis to building web sites. Python is an increasingly popular language for teaching introductory level programming courses at the university level because it is easier to learn than other languages. Python is another commonly used programming language in mobile App development projects. According to Statista’s survey on the most widely utilised programming languages among developers, 48.24% of those surveyed used Python.


  • Easy-to-learn and use
  • Improved productivity
  • Interpreted language
  • Open source
  • Easily portable
  • Big libraries
  • Easy to integrate


  • Low speed
  • Inefficient memory consumption
  • Weak in mobile devices
  • Difficult to access database
  • Causes run-time errors


When it comes to App development coding languages one of the best programming languages for mobile Apps, Java is an obvious choice when thinking about building a mobile App. Java is a bit of a hassle. There are tons of resources available online. You just need to be careful not to get overloaded by things like Eclipse, Ant, XCode, and IntelliJ. In general though, this is an excellent language to use for iOS development. One downside to Java is that it has very good desktop functionality. So while Java is an excellent choice for mobile Apps, it will be a bit buggy for mobile users. According to Statista’s survey on the most widely utilised programming languages among developers, 35.35% of those surveyed used Java.


  • Easy to learn
  • Object oriented
  • Platform independent
  • Multi-threaded
  • Secure


  • Slow
  • Inefficient architecture code
  • Occupies large memory space


This is a relatively new programming language which was created by Apple for its iOS operating system. Apple also wants it to become the de-facto coding language for all their Apps in future. It is designed for both iOS and MacOS, along with other operating systems. Apple believes that Swift will be good for writing Apps that can work across platforms and make use of modern communication and storage protocols.


  • Open source
  • Fast
  • Safe and secure


  • Small community
  • New language
  • Incomplete platform support
  • Poor interoperability

Google Android Go

Google made a simple interface for Android to run on inexpensive Android Go phones. They created the initial framework for the App with the hopes that it will result in more affordable mobile devices. Google has also released an experimental version of Android Go that is good for very small-scale markets. According to Statista’s survey on the most widely utilised programming languages among developers, 9.55% of those surveyed used Go.


  • Ease of use
  • Smart library
  • Good in-built security


  • Too simplistic
  • New language
  • Haven’t found its niche


Kotlin is a programming language that was developed by JetBrains in 2014. It is completely different from Java and C++. In fact, it is a compiler-independent language. This means that you can use it to build any kind of application whether it is iOS, Android, or even Microsoft. Kotlin offers a modern-thinking environment and lots of different features like a handy generics system. According to Statista’s survey on the most widely utilised programming languages among developers, 8.32% of those surveyed used Kotlin.


  • Smart extension functions
  • Usable and concise
  • Low buggy coding structure


  • Steep learning curve
  • Small developer community
  • Slow compilation


Xamarin is an App development tool that was created by Microsoft. The idea was to help developers convert between iOS and Android applications by using one language. The idea is that you can use the same codebase on both mobile platforms with different native APIs. The goal is that you get great quality development. According to Statista’s 2021 developer survey, 11% of those surveyed used Xamarin.


  • Great component store
  • User interface flexibility
  • Equipped with Visual Studio


  • App overhead
  • Low community support
  • Manual coding required


Ionic is an open source front-end web framework for building cross-platform hybrid mobile Apps with HTML5. Ionic uses AngularJS to offer a great developer experience, all the while supporting native App performance. Ionic is built on Apache Cordova (former PhoneGap) and can be used to develop Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Ubuntu Touch applications. According to Statista’s 2021 developer survey, 16% of those surveyed used ionic.


  • Single code base
  • Very simple
  • Less development time
  • Has a functional design


  • Slow performance
  • Compatibility issues
  • Uses CSS only

The hottest App Development Coding Language today! 

Flutter, a new mobile App SDK from Google, has been getting a lot of attention lately. The general consensus is that it’s a pretty hot framework. It’s been getting coverage from the tech media and there are tons of tutorials on Youtube showing how to get started.

With Flutter, you can build beautiful native Apps in record time. It uses Google’s open-source language, Dart, which is a modern language with a familiar syntax for Java and C# developers. Flutter also frees you from the limitations of other cross-platform tools since it offers full access to all Android and iOS APIs while enabling your code to run at native speed.

One of the most important aspects of Flutter is its ability to offer a “write once, run anywhere” solution. App development languages come in all shapes and sizes. If you are wondering what development languages you should learn to create your own Apps, then you will find the answer to your question in this article.

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